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NewStandard W08 Bold
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NewStandard W08 Bold Italic
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Elizabeth W08 Regular
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Elizabeth W08 Italic
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Ger W00 Regular
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Nina Multilingual W99 Regular
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Nina W99 Italic
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Nina Multilingual W99 Bold
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Nina W99 Bold Italic
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Ad Lib BT W08 Regular
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Parangon 110C W00 Regular
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Parangon 120C W00 Regular
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Bardi W08 Regular
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Parangon 210C W00 Regular
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Parangon 220C W00 Regular
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Parangon 230C W00 Regular
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Bazhanov W03 Italic
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Parangon 310C W00 Regular
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Parangon 320C W00 Regular
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Parangon 330C W00 Regular
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Bazhanov W08 Regular
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Parangon 420C W00 Regular
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Parangon 430C W00 Regular
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Parangon 510C W00 Regular
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Bazhanov W08 Bold
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