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Times New Roman PS Pro GrkW04It
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Times NR MT W04 Medium Italic
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Times New Roman W04 Semi Bd It
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Times New Roman PS Pro Grk W04
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Times NR MT W01 ExtraBold
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Times NR MT W04 Condensed It
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Times NR MT W04 Bold Condensed
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Olicana W00 Rough
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Frutiger Serif LT W04 Light It
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Frutiger Serif LT W02 Medium It
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Frutiger Serif LT W04 Heavy It
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Frutiger Serif LT W04 Lt Cn It
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Frutiger Serif LT W04 Md Cn It
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Frutiger Serif LT W04 Bd Cn It
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Frutiger Serif LT W04 Hv Cn It
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ITC Officina Serif W04 Book
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ITC Officina Serif W04 Book It
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ITC Officina Serif W04 Medium
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ITC Officina Serif W04 Md Ital
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ITC Officina Serif W04 Bold
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ITC Officina Serif W04 Bd Ital
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