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OCR-A W00 Regular
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Park Avenue W03 Rg
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PuffiClaude BT W03 Regular
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Missy BT W03 Rom
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News 702 W03 Rom
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News 702 W03 It
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News 702 W03 Bd
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News 702 W03 Bd It
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Normande W03 Rom
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Normande W03 It
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Matt Antique W03 Rom
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Matt Antique W03 It
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Matt Antique W03 Bd
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Millennium W03 Bd Extended
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Quartertone W00 Regular
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Stina W00 Regular
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Charger W00 Regular
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Los Niches W03 Regular
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Los Niches W03 Italic
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Wilke Kursiv W03 Regular
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Wilke Kursiv W03 Bold
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Zilvertype W03 Regular
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Throhand W01SC Italic
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