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ITC Franklin Gothic LT W04DmCm
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ITC Franklin Gothic LTW04BkXCm
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ITC Franklin Gothic LTW04DmXCm
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NexusMixWeb W03 Regular
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NexusMixWeb W03 Italic
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NexusMixWeb W03 Bold
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NexusMixWeb W03 BoldItalic
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Ciutadella Rounded W04 Light
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Ciutadella Rounded W04 Lt It
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Ciutadella Rounded W04 Regular
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Ciutadella Rounded W04 Rg It
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Ciutadella Rounded W04 Medium
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Ciutadella Rounded W04 Md It
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Ciutadella Rounded W04 SemiBd
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Ciutadella Rounded W04 SmBd It
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Ciutadella Rounded W04 Bold
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Ciutadella Rounded W04 Bold It
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Leitura News W04 Roman 1
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Leitura News W04 Italic 1
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Leitura News W04 Roman 2
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Leitura News W04 Italic 2
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Leitura News W04 Roman 3
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Leitura News W04 Italic 3
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Leitura News W04 Roman 4
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Leitura News W04 Italic 4
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