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Plantin Titling MT Std
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Polka Regular
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Polka Bold
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Poliphilus MT Std
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Poetica Std
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Poetica Supp Swash Capitals I
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Poetica Supp Swash Capitals IV
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Poetica Supp Swash Capitals II
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Poetica Supp Swash Capitals III
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Poetica Supp Ornaments
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Poetica Supp Lowercase Endings I
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Poetica Supp Lowercase Endings II
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Poetica Supp Lowercase Beginnings I
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Poetica Supp Lowercase Beginnings II
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Poetica Supp Lowercase Alternates I
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Poetica Supp Lowercase Alternates II
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Poetica Supp Ligatures
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Poetica Roman Small Capitals
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Poetica Roman Small Capitals Alternate
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Poetica Chancery I
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Poetica Chancery IV
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