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ITC Legacy Serif W04 Book Ital
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ITC Legacy Serif W04 Md Ital
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ITC Legacy Serif W04 Bd Italic
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ITC Legacy Serif W04 Ultra
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Legacy Serif ITC W02 X Lt Cn It
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Legacy Serif ITC W02 Lt Cn It
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Legacy Serif ITC W02 Book Cn It
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Legacy Serif ITC W02 Md Cn It
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Legacy Serif ITC W02 Bd Cn It
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Legacy Serif ITC W02 Ult Cond
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Hurme GeometricSans4W00Hairline
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Hurme Geometric Sans 4 W00 Thin
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Hurme Geometric Sans 4 W00ThObl
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Hurme Geometric Sans 4 W00 Lt
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Hurme Geometric Sans 4 W00 Rg
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