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ITC Giovanni Std Book Italic
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Glypha LT Std 55 Roman
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Glypha LT Std 75 Black
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Glypha LT Std 75 Black Oblique
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Glypha LT Std 65 Bold
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Glypha LT Std 65 Bold Oblique
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Glypha LT Std 45 Light
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Glypha LT Std 55 Oblique
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Glypha LT Std 35 Thin
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Glypha LT Std 35 Thin Oblique
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Gothic 13 Std
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Goudy Modern MT Std
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Goudy Modern MT Std Italic
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ITC Goudy Sans Std Black
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ITC Goudy Sans Std Black Italic
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ITC Goudy Sans Std Bold
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ITC Goudy Sans Std Bold Italic
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ITC Goudy Sans Std Book
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ITC Goudy Sans Std Book Italic
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ITC Goudy Sans Std Medium
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ITC Goudy Sans Std Medium Italic
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Goudy Oldstyle Std
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