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ITC Century Std Book Italic
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ITC Century Std Book Condensed
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ITC Century Std Book Condensed Italic
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ITC Century Std Bold
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ITC Century Std Bold Italic
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ITC Century Std Bold Condensed
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ITC Century Std Bold Condensed Italic
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Century Schoolbook Std
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Linotype Centennial 45 Light Small Caps & Oldstyle Figures
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12 Linotype Centennial* 46 Light Italic 11633
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Linotype Centennial 46 Light Italic Oldstyle Figures
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12 Linotype Centennial* 56 Italic 13633
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Linotype Centennial 56 Italic Oldstyle Figures
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12 Linotype Centennial* 75 Bold 07633
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Linotype Centennial 95 Black Oldstyle Figures
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12 Linotype Centennial* 96 Black Italic 16633
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Linotype Centennial 96 Black Italic Oldstyle Figures
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Centaur MT Std Bold
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Centaur MT Swash Capitals
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Centaur MT Small Caps & Oldstyle Figures
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