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Copperplate Gothic BT V2
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Copperplate Gothic Bold Condensed BT
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Copperplate Gothic Bold V2
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Copperplate Gothic Light V2
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Copperplate V2
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CopperplateTBol V2
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CopperplateTBolCon V2
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CopperplateTLig V2
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CopperplateTLigCon V2
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CopperplateTMed V2
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CopperplateTMedCon V2
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CopperPot Bold
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CopprplGoth BT Roman
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CopprplGoth Bd BT Bold
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CopprplGoth Hv BT Heavy
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Copycat V2
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Cornered DB
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Cornered Italic
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Cornered Regular
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Coronet Italic
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Coronet-SemiBold-Italic V2
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CoronetI V2
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