Carlito Fonts Package
Designers are sharing free fonts every day! TTF,OTF,WOFF files and web Font.
- Carlito Bold Italic
Size 827.43 Kbps|Version : 1.103; Beta1; Latin basic design good, other scripts temporary, some composites may be off;; ttfauto|Company : tyPoland Lukasz Dziedzic|Downloads : 921
- Carlito
Size 650.86 Kbps|Version : 1.103; Beta1; all basic design good, some composites may be off;; ttfautohint (v0.96) -l 8 -r 50 -G |Company : tyPoland Lukasz Dziedzic|Downloads : 2104
- Carlito Italic
Size 638.38 Kbps|Version : 1.103; Beta1; Latin basic design good, other scripts temporary, some composites may be off;; ttfauto|Company : tyPoland Lukasz Dziedzic|Downloads : 1424
- Carlito Bold
Size 705.38 Kbps|Version : 1.103; Beta1; all basic design good, some composites may be off;; ttfautohint (v0.96) -l 8 -r 50 -G |Company : tyPoland Lukasz Dziedzic|Downloads : 1777