Martel Sans Fonts Package
Designers are sharing free fonts every day! TTF,OTF,WOFF files and web Font.
- Martel Sans
Size 149.32 Kbps|Version : 1.001; ttfautohint (v1.1) -l 5 -r 5 -G 72 -x 0 -D latn -f none -w gGD -W -c|Company : Dan Reynolds and Mathieu Rguer|Downloads : 118
- Martel Sans Bold
Size 148.38 Kbps|Version : 1.001; ttfautohint (v1.1) -l 5 -r 5 -G 72 -x 0 -D latn -f none -w gGD -W -c|Company : Dan Reynolds and Mathieu Rguer|Downloads : 155
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